Rolex And Omega Are So Similar; Replica Watches Rolex

Rolex and Omega are “old enemies,” and every famous watch from both parties is tit for tat. Rolex has Submariner, Omega has Seamaster, Rolex has Daytona, Omega has Speedmaster, Rolex has DD, and Omega has Constellation. Rolex and Omega are “incompatible”. The enamel watches of Rolex and Omega are too similar. The dials of Rolex watches are the same as those of Omega watches. Except for the “crown” and “resistor” on the disk, everything else is the same.

Historically, because both Rolex and Omega ordered dials from the same enamel artist, there was a situation where the dials of Rolex and Omega watches “collided.” The enamel artist painted the same pattern on both Omega and Rolex. Coincidentally, Rolex and Omega enamel watches with the same pattern were put up for auction. It has the same pattern, different brands, and completely different results. Replica watches rolex.

Rolex Poseidon enamel watch (top) and Omega Poseidon enamel watch (bottom), we can see that the two watches are the same.

Enamel watches with the same pattern are Rolex 8382 and Omega 2767-6 SC. Both watches feature designs by enamel artist Nelly Richard (sold by Stern). The dials of both watches are painted with cloisonné enamel patterns of Poseidon and Seahorse. The pattern is taken from Greek mythology. The sea god on the pattern is Neptune from Greek mythology. He holds a trident and controls two sea horses. He is the protector of sailors at sea, protecting them from storms and blessing them to catch enough fish and return home with a full load. What is very interesting is that when Nelly Richard painted the same cloisonné enamel dial for Rolex and Omega, the prices charged were different. It is understood that Nelly Richard charged 86 Swiss francs for Omega’s Poseidon enamel dial (Stern sold it to Omega for 155 Swiss francs in the end). Omega’s cloisonné enamel dial was the most expensive because it was charged for Rolex’s dial. For 68 Swiss francs, Patek Philippe charged 60 Swiss francs for painting the dial. Nelly Richard worked for Stern from the 1940s to the 1950s. Unfortunately, he was jealous of his talents and died young.

Rolex Poseidon enamel watch detail.

The two watches were auctioned at different auction companies. Rolexes are sold at Phillips, and Omegas are sold at Antiquorum. The Rolex was estimated at 300,000 to 600,000 Swiss francs and was finally sold for 394,000 Swiss francs, approximately RMB 2.76 million. The Omega was estimated at 25,000 to 45,000 Swiss francs and was finally sold for 97,350 Swiss francs. Out, approximately RMB 680,000.

Details of the Omega Poseidon enamel watch.

The transaction prices of both watches are relatively high, but Rolex is higher. On the one hand, Rolex produces fewer enafewerwatches than Omega. Another important reason is that this Rolex was made around 1953. There is an “unusual” 37mm caliber. The Omega produced in 1952 with the same pattern had a size of 34 mm, which was mainstream at the time. 36 mm is a watershed. Men’s watches with 36 mm and above are now wearable, while watches below 36 mm are hard to wear (depending on personal preference). Of course, the different results of Omega and Rolex also reflect people’s different acceptance of Rolex and Omega. Swiss fake watches.

Since the number of Rolex and Omega enamel watches is relatively tiny, in the end, I will show you a few more enamel watches in the history of Rolex and Omega.

First up is Omega:

And then there’s Rolex:

Series: Day-Date
Case Thickness: 12mm
Band Color: Silver-tone
Movement: Automatic
Model: 118206
Case Size: 36mm
Gender: Men’s
Dial Color: Mother of Pearl Dial
Brand: Rolex

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