Rolex Knockoff Ref.6542 GMT-Master Bakelite Ring Watch

Regarding the collection value of Rolex GMT-Master, Ref. 6542 should be recommended first, which is also the first series of models released by the brand. The GMT-Master was first specially designed for Pan Am pilots and later became the model for dual-time imitation watches. Whether it was released in 1954 or now, this title is well deserved. In addition to being the first model, the main feature of Ref. 6542 is the bakelite bezel. When these watches were first released, they looked stunning, but that’s also where the trouble began. The bakelite’s inherent fragility and radium’s radioactivity forced Rolex to discontinue this bezel quickly.

Especially after over 60 years, the Ref. 6542 GMT-Master that still has the original bakelite bezel is rare. If the bezel is still in good condition and displays an attractive discoloration effect (what watch collectors call “tropical”), the watch’s collectible value will be even higher.

The picture shows that the dial and bezel of this watch have evolved into a deep terracotta color, even closer to “root beer” (referring to the Ref. 1675/3 GMT-Master watch with a brown dial and bezel). The color is gorgeous. The maintenance status of this watch itself is precious. What is even more unique is that the original red half bezel and the original black dial have become the same color. This remarkable coincidence makes it a memorable and truly unique piece.

This is why the rolex knockoff Tropical Disc Watch is worth much more than the ordinary disc watch of the same model. The magical color change is rare and unique, adding an extra personal touch to a charming look.

Gender: Men’s
Brand: Rolex
Series: Gmt Master
Model: 16713BNSJ
Dial Color: Bronze Dial
Case Size: 40mm
Case Color: Gold-tone
Case Thickness: 15mm
Band Width: 20mm

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